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Sign Up for Emergency Alerts

Last night, Borough Council passed a resolution allowing the community to participate in an emergency notification system that is being sponsored by Luzerne County. The system allows Luzerne County, Avoca Borough and the AFD to push out instant notifications to residents to apprise them of an ongoing incident or threat. The system might be used in cases of flooding, natural disasters, large scale incidents or simply a road closure due to construction or emergency services activities. EMA Coordinator and AFD President Jim McMahon is an administrator of the system and recently attending a training session on its use. Any resident who currently utilizes a landline phone service is already subscribed to the system. Anyone else can download the Swift911 app from the iphone/google stores. (blue icon, not red) Once the app is downloaded, you simply register and then choose your subscriptions. Some local subscriptions that may interest you are Avoca Borough, Dupont Borough, Luzerne county Nuclear plant and other area notification plans. There is no cost to you and you can determine within the app how you would like to receive the notification, whether it be a call, email or text.

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